A Holy Thursday Conversation

Because we aren’t able to gather together in person for Holy Week services, several clergy got together to bring Holy Week services to you. For Maundy Thursday, we decided to have a zoom dialogue about the significance of the last supper during this pandemic. As the moderator, I had diligently prepared a list of questions and topics to address but was taken aback by how eye-opening this conversation was for me as I got a chance to resolve some theological and philosophical questions I’ve been wrestling with during this time.

We discussed a wide range of subjects from theology to racism to environmental ethics and ever so naturally made our way back to Jesus’ final commandment (which derives from the Latin root mandatum, and is the origin of word “Maundy”) to “love one another as I have loved you.” We then concluded by celebrating the Holy Eucharist together. It was so meaningful for me and I hope it’ll be meaningful for you. Go here if you’d like to share in our conversation.

SpiritualityLydia Sohn